Publisher: Vicious Antelope
Format: Omnisphere 2 (*.omnisphere)
Requirements: Omnisphere Software 2.8.4d, SoundSources v2.6.1c, Patches v2.8.1c
Quality: 24 bit 48 khz stereo
Size: 6.2 MB
Scoring Synths Vol.1 contains 140 cinematographic presents with a heavy vintage sound of sound. Sounds are based both on oscillators and on omnisphere sample. There are many categories of synthesizers, which makes Scoring Synths Vol.1 with a quite multidimensional set for your cinematic (and electronic) productions. Dark Synths, emotional pades, gloomy sound landscapes, majestic basses, nostalgic Trons and sad leads are some elements of which this sound bank consists of.
Open Omnisphere Utility Install .omnisphere select the *.omnisphere file