Cinematique Instruments – Banjo 3 (KONTAKT)

Publisher: Cinematique Instruments
Format: KONTAKT 5.8.1+
Quality: Mono 44.1 kHz 24 bits
Size: 407.8 MB

A banjo is generally a stringed instrument with four or five strings, a long neck, a round drum-like body, and a plastic membrane deck. Its unique sound is achieved by vibrating the membrane when plucking strings with fingers or plectrums. Banjo is commonly associated with country, folk, classical music, Irish traditional music, and bluegrass.

We used a 5-string banjo with a mahogany body with a diameter of 33 cm. We played and recorded in a variety of ways to achieve the typical banjo sound. Each of them has several layers of cycling city and 2 circular repetitions. After editing and processing the samples, we created a patch that features different banjo styles, shortened note function, octaver, reverberation control and improved scripts. We also added noises made when playing banjo to this patch. The result is a very realistic and organic tool.

In 2015, we updated the banjo and combined all individual patches into one comprehensive patch with a new GUI.

In 2022, we recorded two new articulations on a new instrument to significantly improve on the previous version. You now have the complex and expressive instrument Banjo 3, capable of playing both familiar bluegrass sounds and impressive scenes from movie soundtracks. Finally, we added effects and editing capability, arpeggiator and step sequencer in a new, more intuitive GUI.

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