Version: 7.0.2
Developer: PreSonus
Developer’s website:
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: ENG
Tablet: Present
System requirements: Win[2H22] 10+
Size: 283 MB
Studio One Pro 7 is one DAW for everyone. Your all-in-one production center with everything you need to record, produce, mix, master, and perform.
it allows you to manage subscription licenses and PreSonus applications.
For technical reasons (DRM related) we are moving to a subscription from single licenses.
Difference from the previous method:
• Single license file to activate all supported products.
• Accepts the official .install package. It no longer accepts the previous fixed .install package.
[ Quick Start ]
Launch Sphere Manager. The “commands” folder will open.
Run “Install Magic – Studio One 7.cmd” in the “commands” folder.
Run “Subscription – Renew.cmd” in the “commands” folder.
When you update the product, you may need to run “Install Magic – Studio One 7.cmd” again.
[ Renew Subscription ]
Your subscription has expired (about 1 month). It needs to be renewed.
However, you do not need to renew your subscription manually.
When you launch the product, our “Magic” asks Sphere Manager to renew your subscription every 14 days.
You can still renew your subscription manually if you have problems or want to update your information.
The subscription license is saved as “%PROGRAMDATA%\PreSonus\Subscription\subscription”.license”
* Why can’t the subscription term exceed 1 month?
Because PreSonus requires monthly payment.
The application does not allow to renew the subscription for more than 1 month.
Of course, it is possible to bypass this license length check with R2R,
but we need to modify the binary for each renewal.
[ License Information ]
The license information is saved in the registry.
This information is used when renewing the Sphere Manager subscription.
You can change it if necessary.
“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TEAM R2R\Sphere Manager”.
“ComputerKey” : The invocation code. Sphere Manager gets this code from “PreSonusCloud.dll” created by PreSonus.
“ComputerName” : The computer name.
“DisplayName” : The licensee name that is displayed in the application.
“LastSync”: The date of the last successful renewal of the Sphere Manager license.
[ More about usage ]
SphereManager.exe [command] [parameters]
Runs the installer once.
Sets the ComputerKey, ComputerName, DisplayName parameters in the registry.
renew [/no change]
Renews the subscription.
/no change – does not display the results dialog.
magicS1 [/regkey “registrykey”] [/silent]
Install “Magic” to the specified Studio One installation.
/regkey – Specify the registry key name in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PreSonus”.
/silent – Do not show the results dialog.
magicN6 [/silent]
Install “Magic” in Notion 6.
/silent – Don’t show results dialog.
[ Release Log ]
Version 2.0.0
* Initial public release