Theia provides easy access to the powerful Hyperion synthesizer and its stunning, extensive sound library of nearly 600 presets.
The performance-oriented interface makes it easy to control each sound, allowing you to effortlessly navigate complex patch designs and focus on making music.
An instant source of musical inspiration for music producers of all genres.
✔️ What’s new:
• Wavesequencer Hyperion 1.49 – Released 02/28/24
Master tuning via settings panel – affects ‘Note input’ node F output and the frequencies generated by the MIDI note to Frequency node – all layers are affected.
ADSR Ready/Active flags are now set to include duration of the release phase of the envelope, which is much more useful.
Sample playback node – ‘latch’ checkbox option – enables immediate and continuous playback/looping of samples without any trigger patching.
Sampler playback node – Random start position checbox option – randomly selects a new start position within the first half of the sample at each loop.
Modulator wave selectors for flange/phase/tremolo (sine or triangle).
A new phaser effect – Multi-phaser.
24 new background images for patching backdrops/macro page backdrops (matching update to Theia v1.06).
• Theia 1.06 – Releases 02/27/24